Thursday, 8 May 2014

Just one of those days...

So, today I'm just feeling a bit run down and bleugh... It's dull and rainy, my knee's being so bad it's making my muscle hurt in my leg and i'm just TIRED.

I've been to the doctors again today, and have a blood test booked for Monday (So I really need peoples blood test advice!!) They're sorting out me seeing a rheumatologist and also a physiotherapist in Lincoln! (woohoo!) On the downside, this means taking all my medication and everything all over again... On the upside it hopefully means a gradual recovery again!

When my arthritis is bad, it really makes me appreciate the people around me a lot more, just little things like, people holding doors and waiting for you to take the stairs before they come down the opposite way because they can see you're clearly struggling, it just makes you feel a bit better. Also, my boyfriend, Simon (pictured here with me :D)
has practically been my babysitter over the past couple of months, I honestly don't know what I'd be doing without him, (I'd probably still be stuck on the floor somewhere!) I'm thankful for this, as I know it can be a pain having to walk slow for someone and do lots for them, I mean, sometimes he even helps me get my shoes on! (as I struggle to reach my foot due to my bad hips and knee).  
It upsets me knowing that I need help like that, but sometimes you've just got to accept that you can't do everything. It's always best not to turn people away when they offer to help you, no matter how much you want to be able to do everything yourself. I've learnt this over the 6 years of having arthritis, but initially it's hard to accept.
So thanks to everyone that's ever helped me hobble along, or stand up or sit down or anything! Haha! And I hope that I get the chance to return the favour to you all because it really sucks being a bit of a burden!
Just remember that, although it can stop/hinder you doing the little things, never give up on the bigger things in life that are important to you. Arthritis can't stop you doing what you love, so for me, the show must go on! (I have a performance tomorrow, wish me luck!)
TTFN, ta ta for now :)

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