Sunday, 8 June 2014


So recently, I've had the worst sleeping "pattern" EVER.

Basically, initially, due to my joints being bad (especially at night time/ morning time) it made me manage to get to sleep later and later gradually as I found it difficult to sleep because of the amount of pain it was causing me. Now all of that aside, I can't sleep until silly times no matter what. For instance, today I finally managed to get some kip at about 12pm until about 3pm. But normally recently it's about 7am that I sleep and 2pm that I'll finally arise.

In my opinion, this is ridiculous, but this is just another side effect of having arthritis unfortunately. I like to sleep on my sides, but because of the pain it causes I have to choose whether I'd rather my ankle, hip and jaw hurt or my knee, hip and shoulder. It's a difficult decision that generally leaves me tossing and turning constantly to make myself comfy.

I hope this gradually gets better, as I really don't like being so tired all the time, and also spending most of my day time asleep, it just leaves me with no motivation to do anything. So I just end up sitting there, not doing much for the day (and also not eating properly as I'm not awake for breakfast/lunch so I just skip to dinner... which is also pretty bad.)

So, please please, start feeling better joints! I really don't like being a lazy person (believe it or not) and would like to be remotely active this summer, no just bed-bound. So if anyone has any suggestions to help my sleeping pattern get back to normal, that would be great! Because I'm clueless...

TTFN! Ta ta for now from a tired Molly!

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