Tuesday, 17 June 2014

The ridiculous cost of prescriptions!

So, I've just forked out £104 for a years worth of prescriptions! Yippee, this is the delight of becoming an "adult" and having to pay for prescriptions from the age of 19. 

I'm not eligible for free prescriptions so, I've had to buy myself a PPC (Pre-Payment Certificate) to save myself a bit of money when buying prescriptions, because without this it's £8.05 per prescription, and at current I'm on 3 prescribed drugs every month. Overall that would be £24.15 a month, or around £289 for a year... Personally, I think it's completely ridiculous to have to pay for prescriptions that I don't voluntarily take... I don't want to take all my medication, I'd be a lot happier to not have to, and on top of that it costs so much? 

This probably stops a lot of people taking medication they should be taking, because why would anyone want to pay for something they don't really want? (even if it's for the best for them)... It just really annoys me, if I'm reading this correctly (from google), if I was a prisoner I'd have free hospital treatment and prescriptions? (correct me if I'm wrong) But things like this make you wonder why you bother trying to live life as a law abiding citizen when I could have such things for free? Most of the medication (in fact, probably all) I will be on for the rest of my life (unless a recovery is achieved) and I will end up dishing out thousands of pounds for medication for the rest of my life.

I'm gonna stop ranting for now, because no one wants to read rants. But naturally, this is annoying to me (and probably MANY others)... So yeah!

TTFN, ta ta for now! :)

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