Tuesday, 12 August 2014

Hey there!

Hey there! Sorry for the delay, I was internetless (that's not really a word, but heyho!) for a while, but now I'm back, in my new house for my second year of uni, and with internet again!

So, today has been a day of progress, because today I finally got to see a rheumatologist here in Lincoln, and, it was eventful to say the least... I just expected to discuss the options for the future of making my arthritis a bit better, but with that, I also got a steroid joint injection in my knee, followed by 10 minutes of being lightheaded and feeling very poorly (I do not deal well with injections!) especially seeing as this was the first time I'd had a joint injection with out pain relief such as laughing gas or general anaesthetic, but unfortunately, this is what 'adulthood' entails! And then to add to my sorrow of a joint injection, a nice trip to phlebotomy for a blood test! woohoo! But on the upper hand, the pain from my knee probably made me deal with this blood test the best I ever have!

So now I'm sitting on my bed feeling pretty sorry for myself as I can't bend my knee, and hobbling is no fun! Sad times, but on the happy side, this should hopefully generally bring the swelling and pain down in my knee, BUT on the unhappy side, I have to go back in a few weeks for another one in my ankle! :(

But apart from being a bit sore and achy at the moment, I've been having a good summer holiday, which is always good news and I'm hoping for the best from this hurty joint injection!!! Fingers crossed for a near future of not limping!

I'll keep you posted on the joint injection and my knee (I'm not leaving you this time!)

TTFN, ta ta for now!! :)

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