Continuing on from my last blog post takes us to Saturday 8th July. I weirdly woke up at like 5.30am and was content with that (that's how you know things aren't right, I'd normally be sleeping until the afternoon!) I didn't feel too in pain (thanks to all the meds) but I felt really sick, but I wasn't sick - which was actually super annoying because I'd rather just BE sick than feel it all day. So I spent the day clutching a sick bowl, just for in case.
I had breakfast, and then one of the ward staff came to help me have a wash, and I finally changed into my own nightie rather than the hospital gown. I got visited by physio, and they took me to have a go at walking on my crutches, and to have a go going up/down stairs as I'd told them I would have to when I got home. It all went well, but got cut short a little bit by me feeling quite unwell, so I went back to bed as my head went all fuzzy. But they gave me a zimmer frame with elbow rests to use, as it was similar to my crutches and would make life a bit easier. They also got me a proper leg rest, as my foot had been resting quite low down since the surgery.
Then I got a visit from Occupational Therapy (my OT had e-mailed ahead about me, to make sure I got good care, bless her!) just to check I had everything I needed to have some life when I returned home, and everything was fine there too, as my OT had been super prepared in getting me all the bits I need.
Asides from that, and spending the day feeling sick, the only other eventful thing that happened was when it came to dinner time, and I'd accidentally ordered a bizarre dinner, as I didn't know how the menus worked!! There was like, a list split up with bold lines, and I thought I had to tick one per section... So I was set to be having like 3 different meal choices in one... But thankfully the lady bringing the food round let me know that it seemed a bit odd, and she let me re-adjust my menu when she'd let me know how it works... Silly me! Guess that's what happens when you give someone whose had anaesthetic a task to do!
Simon visited me, and we played games and chilled out for a bit. But in the evening I started to get a weird pain in my heel, that wouldn't go even if I took pain relief. No one seemed to know what it was, and one of the ward staff got a doctor to come and see me to see if he could help and he said they would see how it was in the morning to see what they would do with it.... It was pretty agonising by this point, but I tried to just grin an bare it and get some sleep.
And that was my Saturday, I was just grateful to not be sick (despite hating the fact that I felt sick) and felt pretty good everything else wise for the day. I ate all my meals (they were yummy!) But unfortunately ended the day on a bit of a downer.
Tune in next time to hear about Sunday!
TTFN, ta ta for now!