Hello!! I hope you're all well, and that assessments are going well if you're doing them! (One more performance for me and then I'm done! Woohoo!) I also had my hair done again today! Back to red and I love it! :D
I thought I'd write a blog, just to give a little context to my last post, as it was written quite in the moment and based on how I was feeling at the time. But since, I've managed to collect my thoughts and what not.
So, as much as it may not seem it - my diagnosis of depression & anxiety is really quite relevant to this blog. Something I never realised was how much methotrexate really effects EVERYTHING. If I'd have known it was going to have such a knock-on effect with life, I perhaps would never had started taking it, but I suppose as a child, the effects weren't quite relevant. Basically, due to my methotrexate there's a whole two medications my nurse is allowed to give me. One is old, and they don't really use it anymore, and the other is Mirtazapine, which I am currently on.
At the minute it's not really working for me, although it did initially. So now I've joined the mental health waiting game to see a psychiatrist, which I have to wait 2 months for. And that's just so they can assess me to find out which medications they can give a try while taking methotrexate. So this is the second time methotrexate has ruined things (first time was inability to have Yellow Fever jab due to it, which means I'm no longer climbing Mt. Kenya this year :( ).
You never really realise how one thing can effect another so much, especially when it's arthritis! All you think it does is make your joints hurt... But it's far more complex unfortunately.
As an update on the arthritis front, in my last appointment I got put on Hydroxychloroquine and was supposed to be referred to talk about surgery for my ankle, but I've heard nothing yet.. I think I've been forgotten :( ... What I found with Hydroxychloroquine was, while I was on it, I simply thought it didn't work, and my arthritis got a lot worse, so I assumed it was simply a flare up... But after stopping taking it, my arthritis suddenly went back to being better (but still bad - just as it was before)... So I assume from that, that hydroxychloroquine actually made my arthritis worse... Which is crazy! I never thought that would be the case, but heyho!
Anyway! Cheers for reading, as per usual! :)
TTFN, Ta ta for now!